Craft Custom Playlists

Discover music on Spotify. Our system uses AI to create tailored playlists based on any search criteria.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I get an error when trying to log in?
Music Maestro is still in the review process with Spotify. This means I need to manually add each user to allow authentication. If you're interested in using this, fill out this contact form and I will try my best to get you early beta access.
Why can't I play music in the browser?
Spotify requires users to have a Premium account. If you don’t have a premium account, you can still get song recommendations from Music Maestro, but playback won't be available within the app.
Is this project open source?
Yes, Music Maestro is open source! You can check out the code on GitHub.
What tech stack was used to build this project?
Check out my blog post to learn more about how this project was implemented.